Best Books to Find Fun Activities for Your Children

Activity book for infant through 1, Experimenting with Babies by Shuan Gallagher

It’s not always easy knowing what to do with your children every day. Sometimes you just need some fun ideas. This is where books come in. The books listed below are activity books for 2 year olds, activity books for 4 year olds, even activity books for 5th graders.

To be clear, when I say activity books, I mean books that are full of fun activities to do with your child. I am not referring to the books that are basically full of worksheets. I’m trying to provide you with fun, educational activities you can do with your child.

The First Year

This short, simple guide covers birth through the first five year. I actually really appreciate it because it isn’t long and overwhelming. It keeps the content sweet, simple, and accessible.

We received this book as a gift and I immediately loved it. It’s full of fun, simple experiments to do with your baby in their first year of life (and a little longer). Plus because they are experiments with your baby, it is packed full of developmental anecdotes about why your baby responds a certain way.

3. Monthly Curriculum (link to blog coming Spring, 2022)

I would be remiss of course if I didn’t mention my own curriculum work (link to curricula coming February, 2022). I have created activities for each month of the year for you to do with your infant. They are low or minimal materials and there are 5 activities for each week.

Image Coming April, 2022

The Early Years

My Educating Your Preschooler book is full of an entire month of activities. It’s build for parents who have their children at home for the full month, so it’s packed with activities to do every day for a full month.
The sequel to Experimenting with Babies, Experimenting with Kids covers experiments for children ages two through five. Again, it’s activities that have to do with your child’s development, so there is always a hypothesis and then an explanation as to why that’s the thought. Fun and educational.
Image Coming April 2022

3. Monthly Activities (link to blog coming Spring, 2022)

I have created a curriculum for each month of the year for 2, 3, 4, and 5-year-olds (link to curriculum coming April, 2022). Each week in the month has 5 activities. These are good for parents who work full time or their children are in school full time, as it offers minimal preparation and frequently uses items that are on hand.

This book was one of the first in my library of activity books. It has a number of simple activities for different developmental needs (blocks vs dramatic play for example). It uses a lot of recyclable materials and the activities range from incredibly simple to reasonably complex.

Growing Up

I love doing one off activities with my children and will blog about how to replicate them. This can be anything from Car Painting and Edible Playdough to more advanced activities such as a baking soda powered boat.

Perfect for over the summer, Educating Your 1st Grader will help your 1st grader keep their recent education fresh in their minds, but with fun activities instead of rote memorization.
I offer a book for each age group, including 2nd Grade, packed full of activities for every day.
You can also use these books as preparation for students going into 3rd grade. Again, they are simple activities, and fun, not worksheets.
Send your child back to school with their 4th grade learning still sharp in their minds. Or perhaps give your just graduated 3rd grader a head start.
The final book in my series is geared towards your 5th Grader. A full month worth f activities, but you can do them at any time!
Perfect for holiday breaks, summer vacation, or even just on weekends. Packed with age appropriate activities to do with your Kindergartner.

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