5 Car Games to Play on Your Next Long Trip

5 Car Games to Play on Your Next Long Trip
Updated December, 2023

If you’ve ever driven across the country with children (or even without!) you know that the drive can get long and boring after a time. Especially traveling with a baby in the car can be daunting. I drive over 2,000 miles every year on a three week road trip with my children. I have since the kids were only a year old. I always liked to play games for a cross country road trip. Having a few games to play as a family can keep the drive more interesting and engaging for everyone. Of course you want to bring books and other fun things, but these 5 favorite travel games for kids really make time fly and keep your child engaged in the travel.

1. The Alphabet Game

Go through the alphabet each letter at a time and find it in your surroundings. If your child is older, make sure the letter is the start of the word. If you play multiple times, make sure you don’t repeat words. For example, if you are on the letter M and you pass a McDonald’s, you can call out M but when you get to M the next time, you can’t use that restaurant again. You can play this game on short trips too, even just going to the grocery store. We like to play it when going to places like the zoo and try to go through the alphabet at least once before we get to our destination.

2. The Number Game

Similar to the alphabet game, the number game is the same concept but with numbers. On really long road trips you can get up well into the hundreds. It’s a great way to practice numbers. With my little ones, we go in numerical order. Around 3 we don’t try to push much past 10. At 6, we try to get into higher numbers where possible. By the time your child is in their teens, you can have them go even past 100. My last road trip we got to about 47, but then we wrote out every number from 0-100 and looked for them out of order. Always easier that way!

3. License Plate Search

Finding a license plate from every state isn’t easy, even on long road trips. We don’t do the states in alphabetical order because we would be stuck on Alaska for most of our trip if we did. Make a list and cross them off as you find them. This can also be a fun way to talk about different states in the country. For example, my 6-year-old was responsible for finding different license plates. Then the 13-year-old would look up something interesting to share with everyone in the car, such as a cool place, a historical event, or a state bird.

4. Are We There Yet?

Visuals can be incredibly helpful, especially for younger children. So you can create a visual for your children, one that they can track as they go. Hang a string from one end of your car to the other and mark different landmarks or mileage throughout it. You don’t have to create it to scale if that’s too much. Just something that marks a few of the places you will be going along the way (maybe not all! I tried all one year and it was too much…). Then put up a clothespin and have your child move it along as you drive. It’s a really useful visual of distance driven. Plus it can quickly answer the question “Are we there yet?”.

5. Atlas Search

Purchase a large atlas, one that highlights the highways and breaks out really dense cities. This way your child can track your progress on the atlas. It’s a great way to practice their map reading skills. Best of all, it helps them feel more aware of their surroundings on a long trip. They can track your driving via mile markers and if you are feeling really adventurous, even make suggestions on where to stop or what route to take.


In conclusion, embarking on a road trip with your kids can be an exhilarating adventure filled with unforgettable memories, and incorporating engaging car games only enhances the journey. The five games shared in this blog not only promise to keep boredom at bay but also educate your children, foster family bonding, and create an atmosphere of joy and laughter. These activities are always adaptable, making it easier to cater to various age groups and ensure everyone in the car has a good time. So, as you hit the open road on your next family excursion, consider these car games to turn the miles into moments of shared fun and connection. Happy travels!

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