Spring Cleaning Tips – a detailed guide from an expert

Spring Cleaning Tips – a detailed guide from an expert

A guest post from Ellen with TopTenVacuums!

After the harsh winter, it’s time to enjoy that time of the year, where the flowers start blooming, there is freshness in the air, the sun shines bright and embraces you in its warmth, and there are beautiful smiles around. But, before you start enjoying this season, there is a big chore at hand – cleaning your home!

We all dread cleaning, as it takes a whole lot of time and energy. But don’t worry, here are a few easy tips for cleaning your home.

Keep all your cleaning agents, vacuum cleaner, bucket, and gloves ready a day before. Get your family involved to help you with this tedious task.  Choose a weekend when everyone is at home and can help you with the task.

  1. Start with the ceiling

Remove all the cobwebs and dust stuck on your ceiling with a vacuum cleaner. Clean the lights and fan with a clean, dry cloth.

2. Cleaning the kitchen and the appliances

Begin your kitchen cleaning with cleaning the appliances. Clean your dishwasher, microwave, oven, refrigerator, chimney, exhaust fan, and your mixer grinder. Mix vinegar and baking soda to remove the tough stains. Once you’re done cleaning all the appliances, clean your cabinets, plates, glasses, spoon and all the utensils. Once you have washed them, let them dry off before you stack them back into the cabinet. Once you’re done washing all the kitchen appliances and utensils, wash the sink and the tap. Then move on to the dining area to clean the dining table, coasters, and placemats. To remove tough stains spray some vinegar and hot water solution. It will remove grease and food stains.

3. Bedroom cleaning

Get your kids and the rest of the family to clean their own bedroom. The bedroom is where we find a lot of clutter and the person using the bedroom knows better what they need and don’t need in their bedroom. Remove all the unwanted things from the bedroom. Clean your wardrobe and rearrange clothes according to seasonal wear. If you have a study table or a bookshelf, dust the books and clean the table with a clean cloth. Also, clean the nightstand and study lamp with a clean cloth. If you have a rug in the room, vacuum it and then wash it. Dust your mattress and vacuum it. Sprinkling baking soda over the mattress will get rid of the odor. Change the bed sheets and pillow covers to a brighter color that welcomes the spring season. You can check the vax blade 32v review if you are looking for a good vacuum cleaner to clean your bedroom.

4. Cleaning the living room

 Start with dusting away all the dust that has been accumulated. Vacuum clean your sofa set. Dip the microfiber cloth in coconut oil and then wipe your wooden furniture for a more polished look. Clean any artwork that you have in the room. Clean your carpet and rug with a vacuum cleaner and then wash them.  

5. Storeroom and patio cleaning

Clear the storeroom of unwanted things. Clean the storeroom, patio and any other room that you have left for cleaning. Start cleaning the furniture, then the wall from stains and then lastly, clean the floor.

6. Bathroom

Spray the cleaning agents all over the bathroom, washbasin, and on the toilet pot. To clean any tough stains use baking soda and lime or vinegar and hot water solution. Wash the buckets, mugs, and taps. Use a microfiber cloth to clean the mirror. Scrub the floor. Use a toothbrush to clean the small or narrow areas where the cleaning brush can’t reach.

Once you have cleaned every room in the house, you are left to wash your cleaning instruments. Remove the dust and dirt from the vacuum and clean it thoroughly before placing it back. Dip your glove, cleaning brushes, clothes that you used for cleaning, and scrubs in hot water and vinegar for some time. Then wash them with liquid detergent and water.

Involve your family in cleaning the house. Their participation will lower the burden of cleaning the entire house all by yourself. The kids can help with cleaning their respective room and wardrobe, while you and your spouse can clean the rest of the house. Happy cleaning and enjoy the spring season!

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