5 Common Signs of Pregnancy

5 Common Signs of Pregnancy

One of the most common questions I filter is ‘How do I know I’m pregnant?’. While there are often a lot of signs and symptoms, I have selected the 5 most common signs. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms it may be time to talk to your doctor or midwife about your pregnancy!

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5. Implantation Bleeding

Implantation bleeding does not always occur but it can be one of your first signs of pregnancy. I remember with my first kiddo I had it. Basically, it’s a small amount of blood, as if maybe you are starting your period. I actually thought I had started my period and threw on a pad, but then there was no additional bleeding. That’s implantation bleeding. It is not excessive and it does not continue for multiple days. It’s also normal and healthy, so if you do see it, it’s nothing to get worried about.

4. Excessive Hunger

If you normally eat two slices of pizza and suddenly you want half the pizza, I would put this under excessive hunger. Or if you are eating like normal but no matter what you eat you still feel hungry, as if you are missing something in your diet, you may consider pregnancy. Excessive hunger doesn’t happen to everyone, but if you are pregnant, it may be your body’s way of stocking up for baby needs.

On the flip side of hunger is food aversion and nausea. I feel like the aversion to food tends to hit before the nausea, although not always. I think the one I hear about the most often is when you wake up and suddenly the smell of coffee makes you want to hurl. Don’t get me wrong, I always hate the smell of coffee, but feeling like I could throw up just from smelling it falls in a different category.

2. Missed Period

Probably one of the most common early signs of pregnancy is a missed period. I know with my third pregnancy I didn’t think it was a possibility and I steadfastly ignored all the above signs. But a week late for your period when you always have them on time can be a pretty significant sign. I know not all women have consistent periods, and thus this may not be a great sign for some, but if you menstruate consistently, even the biggest food change or stressful situation won’t cause you to miss your cycle altogether.

1. Positive Pregnancy Test

I think the number one, and most reliable, sign of pregnancy is a positive pregnancy test. Yes, run out to the store and grab one. If you are already late for your period and experiencing at least one or two other symptoms, don’t waste your money on the $6 test. Grab the 88 cent test and take it in the morning. If it comes out positive, you have your answer.

That’s it! Tell me how you knew you were expecting in your comments below.

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