2017 Anime Fest

2017 Anime Fest

This was Anime Fest’s second year and it was a huge success. There are always little things that can be improved upon, but I always find that to be the case, no matter what convention I am attending. This year I attended as (a rather pregnant) Jasmine from Aladdin, with some modifications. I had to cut a few corners (no shoes or jewelry) but I will improve upon it before I wear my costume again.

Jasmine and Belle
Jasmine and Belle

I admit I was feeling a little self-conscious in my costume. It hadn’t come out the way I wanted it to (it never does) and I was feeling especially pregnant. At one point, Stephs and I attended a Disney prince and princess photo shoot and I was fully prepared not to take any photos at all. Yet once again I was blown away by everyone’s absolute acceptance. Pushed gently, I posed for a few photos and ended up having a really great time.

Break at photo shoot
Playing around (and trying to stay warm) at the photo shoot

Stephs was also gently pushed this year. Her Belle from Beauty and the Beast was spot on. Ever skeptical of her own skill though, she had planned to just wear it and be content with that. Overflowing with support and acceptance, some random strangers on the elevator with us encouraged her to enter the cosplay contest. She was hesitant at first but ended up partaking in the half time show. The experience was great!

Johny Bravo, Tuxedo Mask, and Belle
Johnny Bravo, Tuxedo Mask, and Belle at the Half Time Show

My point here is that these experiences really bring to light exactly why I enjoy attending conventions. I can be silly, goofy, awkward, or shy. I can strike up conversations with people I’ve never met before or hang out with old friends in the game room. No matter how I am feeling, this large group of people is nothing but accepting. So we might be a bit eccentric, but at least we know how to have fun.

Fem Deadpool
A fun twist on Deadpool

1 Comment

  1. Aunt Linda

    You not only know how to have fun, but I am truly impressed with both of your sewing skills! You both looked great!

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