The Joy of Letters

The Joy of Letters

I pretty much grew up with a computer. I know my child will definitely grow up with a computer, a cell phone, all sorts of instant technology. The days of letter writing are long past. Invitations are online. Cards are sent electronically. Constant connection with people is available to us via our cell phones. That’s why I write letters.

I love getting mail. As an adult, I mostly only receive junk mail (even my bills are electronic now), which isn’t as exciting. There is something special about receiving an old fashioned piece of snail mail, with your name printed in the middle and a fun stamp in the corner. As Monster grows older, I hope I can instill in them the joy of sending and receiving letters.

I write at least one letter every month to my Grammie. She is the ultimate pen pal. Last month I had Monster draw pictures on the back of a bunch of letters and sent them out to family and friends. I have received a lot of thanks from almost everyone as a result. It’s clear that I’m not the only person who enjoys receiving letters in the mail.

I think everyone should write more letters by hand. I know I will ensure Monster writes plenty through their life as well.


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