Making New Year’s Resolutions

Making New Year’s Resolutions

Welcome to January: a fresh start, a new year, a beautiful time. This is the time that everyone makes their “New Year’s Resolutions”. We wipe the slate clean and try to do better for the next year. We set goals and try to stick to them. I’ve heard anything from losing weight and getting in shape (this seems to be the most common one) to just being a better person, or even earning more money. Whatever your New Year’s resolution is, we want to see you succeed.

Unfortunately, most people will have given up their resolutions by the end of this month. Either because the newness of the New Year wears off or we all go back to work and get caught up again in the day to day or even just because the goals that were set weren’t specific or realistic enough. No matter what the reason, seeing change isn’t always a guarantee.

So the question is: do we even bother setting a New Year’s Resolution? I have already talked about finding focus for your goals and setting then correctly. I am a huge advocate for setting goals all year long and constantly evolving to do better. Do we need a special resolution that we are likely to fail?

I would say yes and no. There is something motivating about setting a resolution. This is especially true if you share these goals with other people and get a support network going. They need to be good goals though. And if you want to lose 50 pounds by the end of this month, you are setting yourself up for failure. Also, don’t let this be the only time all year that you set a goal.

If you are having a hard time setting and reaching your goals, contact me at for Life Coaching services. I can help you set goals and stay on track with what you want to accomplish.