Age Appropriate Learning for Your Child

An adult sits and does educational activities with children

Children learn through play. Their work is play. And engaging with children through play will always be more successful than giving them worksheets or tests. Truth be told, I think adults learn through play too, we just have stopped accepting it. So I challenge you to adjust your mindset from “what should I teach my 3 year old” to learning activities for your child. The best way to educate your child at home is to provide them with fun, engaging, educational activities.

So you might be thinking, okay, thanks we will start to Google away now, bye! But I want to put the breaks on that for just one minute! I know I have spoken to the importance of allowing process over product based work, something Pinterest often misses. But what doesn’t get spoken about as much is that there are so many more areas of play than just art! So you want to be sure to offer more than just art and science activities to your children.

My Solution

I love offering activity ideas to parents and teachers. Lesson planning and writing curricula is something I find to be a lot of fun. It’s why I wrote 7 books during Covid doing just that. Now I am offering something more. I have put together monthly lesson plans for parents to use for their children from 4 months through 5 years.

For each age I have created one month of activities. These activities include a mixture of science, art, blocks, table toys (math), circle time, dramatic play, large motor, and sensory. I break it down with 5 activities per week, and 4 weeks in the month, so a total of 20 activities each month! It also contains parenting tips, songs to sing, and books suggestions!

The best part is that this content is all digital download. So nothing to take up more space and you receive instant delivery. The content is age appropriate and often full of activities you can do with materials you already, hopefully, have on hand.

Essentially, I want families to remember how important play is. I will undoubtedly continue to come out with more activities and share them with you. There is always so much to do! So have fun, play, and trust that your children are learning along the way.

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