10 Easy Ways to be Environmentally Sustainable

10 Easy Ways to be Environmentally Sustainable

I’m going for easy and next to no cost for this list. So you won’t see any plugs here for how awesome I think Solar Panels are or the importance of insulating your house properly. This list is 8 easy, inexpensive ways to help the environment a little bit every day.

1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

We’ve all heard it. We all know it. Some of us are really great at parts of it (I’m looking at you recycling). But really, reduce, reuse, recycle is easy and appropriate. Start at the beginning. First, reduce the amount of resources you use. Whether that means reducing the amount of paper you print on (are you really ever going to cook that recipe?) or not buying the newest cell phone because really, you don’t need it. Then reuse. Reuse that plate, reuse that water jug. I have an entire stash of tissue paper, bows, and bags to reuse for holidays. Tossing out an empty toilet paper roll or tissue box? Let your child use it for art before it ends up in the landfill. Then finally, recycle. Cities all over the United States are working on making this easier, but it’s important to recycle as much as you can, even if it is just some tin cans or the stuff that’s easiest for you to recycle. Every bit you recycle is something that stays out of the landfill.

2. Walk, bus or bike

Cars suck. Unless you are super fortunate and can afford an amazing Tesla (know that I envy you if you can), you probably use a vehicle that requires gas of some sort. For a lot of us, cars are an inevitable way of life. Every little bit counts though. Walk, bus, or bike whenever possible to keep additional carbon emissions out of the air. And it saves money on gas!

3. Stop reproducing

I’m sure I’m ruffling some feathers with this one, but seriously, stop. I personally will never have more than two children and I don’t think anyone should. There is no reason in this day and age to have 5 and 6 and 7 children. The more people we have on this Earth, the worse off the Earth is.


Bring your own Bag. Skip the plastic bags at the grocery store and use a reusable one. I know these bags are notoriously hard to remember. I just leave mine in my car all the time and do my best to remember them.

5. Say no to the straw

Straws have a huge environmental impact. If you are at a restaurant, say no to a straw to save the plastic from ending up in the landfill.

6. Put on a sweater

I have to say this one because I know when I was younger I would drive my mother crazy. In the winter I would complain that the house was too cold yet run around in a tank top and skirt. Really though, dress appropriately for the weather and adjust your thermostat accordingly.

7. Shop local

The cost of transportation, production and labor all take a toll on our environment. Shopping local keeps the environmental factor lower. Plus there is the added benefit of boosting your local economy.

8. Give the consumerism a rest

Stop buying stuff. Yup, it’s that simple. I promise you do not need an electric cookie press. You don’t need to refurnish your house every few years. Buy less stuff all around and there will be less waste.

9. Eat less meat

Being vegetarian or vegan isn’t for everyone (myself included). But you could reduce environmental impact by eating meat just one less day or meal each week.  If you normally eat meat 7 days a week, try dropping to 6. If you drink milk at every meal of the day, try drinking it only at 2 of them.

10. Vote

Yup, you had to know I was going to take a political stance at some point in time. Our government is currently filled with anti science, climate change deniers. At your next election, take a moment to determine if the people you are voting for believe in climate change. Politics affect the environment a lot unfortunately. Voting the right people into office can make a big difference.